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Specialized Event Teambuilding event in Phu Quoc

Team building program in Phu Quoc Island

Email : etv@hanoiteambuilding.com to support!
Teambuilding Code: TB - Team Building in Phu Quoc Island
Departure: Hanoi
Place: Phu Quoc
Team building program in Phu Quoc Island called “Discover the beauty of wind island” will open many opportunities for participants

Hanoi ETV - Team building provider in Phu Quoc is  which provided many amazing programs with professional team organizers and attractive scenarios.

The tear-shaped island lies in the Gulf of Thailand, 45km west of Ha Tien and 15km south of the coast of Cambodia. It's no lightweight: at 48km long (with an area of 574 sq km), Phu Quoc is Vietnam’s largest island – about the same size as Singapore. It's also politically contentious: Phu Quoc is claimed by Cambodia who call it Koh Tral and this explains why the Vietnamese have built a substantial military base covering much of the northern end of the island. It was only granted to Vietnam by the French in 1949, as part of the formal annexation of the Mekong Delta. Phu Quoc’s rainy season darkens skies from late May to October, when the sea gets rough and a lot of diving stops. The peak season for tourism is midwinter, when the sky is blue and the sea is calm, but it can get pretty damn hot around April and May. Team building program in Phu Quoc Island will open new chances for all participants to better understanding about the beauty of this beautiful island through various challenges.
Team building program in Phu Quoc is the most efficient way for all members to experience and discover the beauty of this beautiful island.

Teambuilding - Khai Hoang Đảo Ngọc
Duration: 4 ngày / 3 đêm
Departure: Hà Nội
Place: Đảo Phú Quốc
Many famous foreign companies in Vietnam became the main partners of Hanoi ETV such as: Puma energy, Addon Development, Vestergaard Frandesen, AkzoNobel, Prentow Vietnam… or many famous brands in the same manner with Techcombank, K+, FPT soft, Gerber Sientific Internation, and Vietnam airline…. More infor Click